Primary Education


Under the Department of Primary Education, the pre-school education program aims to provide teacher candidates with skills and competencies that will support preschool children in psycho-motor, social-emotional, cognitive and language development, self-care skills, and in preparation for primary school.

Implementing the goals of pre-school education requires extensive professional knowledge, foresight and precision. Established by adopting these principles and starting to accept students in the 2012-2013 academic year, Istanbul Okan University Primary Education Department gave its first graduates at the end of the 2017-2018 academic year.

The main purpose of the Primary Education Department is to train teachers who love their profession, have the qualifications required to be an educator, create the right model for students in their personal and professional life, follow the innovations in their field, continuously improve their knowledge and skills, use their time efficiently and have effective communication skills.

The Department of Primary Education cooperates with other departments of our faculty and other faculties and departments of our university, enabling students to gain formation with multidisciplinary study examples.