Gender Equality and Social Progress: Contribution of Universities to SDG 5
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are global objectives identified by the United Nations, among which SDG 5 holds special importance, addressing the goal of "Gender Equality." Universities can contribute to gender equality through activities in education, research, social responsibility, and policy development.

1. Gender Equality in Education: Universities can reduce disparities in this area by focusing on gender equality in education, providing equal opportunities and support programs to students. They can encourage the participation of girls in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields by creating an inclusive education system.
2. Combating Gender-Based Violence: Universities should take a leading role in combating gender-based violence both on and off campus. They can reduce gender-based violence among students through awareness campaigns, creating safe spaces, prevention policies, and support services.
3. Research on Gender Equality: Through academic research, universities can focus on understanding societal norms regarding gender equality, questioning gender roles, and evaluating the impact of egalitarian policies. Such research can guide policymakers and society.
4. Women's Leadership and Participation: By encouraging women's participation in leadership roles, universities can support gender equality in governing bodies, faculty positions, and student leadership roles. They can provide support to female students through mentorship programs, preparing them for leadership positions.
5. Sexual and Reproductive Health Services: Universities can reduce sexual and reproductive health inequalities by strengthening services and providing education on sexual health to students, along with accessible health services.
6. Gender Equality Awareness in Society: Universities can increase societal awareness of gender equality by organizing events, seminars, and campaigns that educate students and staff on the subject. By taking a leading role in promoting gender equality in society, they can lead to positive changes.

Universities, as educational institutions, bear the responsibility not only for knowledge production but also for leading social transformation. Gender equality goals hold significant importance in this context, allowing universities to play a key role in contributing to a sustainable future.

What are we doing?

Click to access our university's SDG 5 report.